‘Bonus’ Supplement

‘Departing Berths : Ultimate Destinations’

All of the Landfall waypoints in the book are deliberately placed at the entrance of each river (except of course at Ramsgate which is just outside the harbour entrance).  This is because everybody will have started or would be aiming for many different locations in each river.  For every location would require a very substantial volume!

But now the new tables in the 3rd edition have simplified matters substantially, timing to or from a Landfall Waypoint merits some thought, especially when the berth or destination is tide dependent such a a drying berth or in a marina that has a cill.  The issues are quite varied; some simple, some complicated.  The River Blackwater perhaps the simpler as HW Maldon for practical purposes equals HW Sheerness.  But the Deben has to consider the state of the tide at the entrance and at some locations up river.  The Medway also can be challenging.  For example if you have a berth at the Medway Yacht Club and you plan a passage from there to Ramsgate via the Copperas Channel - and have the third edition of CTTE - the quickest passage from the Medway Landfall Waypoint to Ramsgate at either 4 or 5 knots STW (i.e. boat speed) would be to depart at the Medway landfall waypoint at High Water Sheerness.  Which means that from your berth at the Medway, you need to plug against the flood tide for over 11 nautical miles!  Do you have to?  No, look at the supplement!

The new supplement deals with the River Medway.  I chose this as the first as it uniquely provides substantial tide data (apart from the London River of course).   The supplement is FREE and is a simple download with instructions. You also have an explanatory YouTube.  You will see the supplement can save you significant time when used in conjunction with the tables of the third edition tables.

I plan to deal with all of the other rivers by a supplement or supplements over the Christmas period (2022).


Ultimate destinations River Medway download.pdf
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